Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just when I get excited....

Well we are still siting at #13. I really am getting quite tired of the wait. We are at one year one, one month, and six days since we sent in our preliminary application. I know we should't start counting until our formal application (7 months 4 weeks and one day) and being on the waiting list but I have been thinking about our little girl every day since the first application was sent (probably before then). I just really want the wait to be over! I know that a few more months (read 5-6) in the big scheme of things isn't really that long, but my arms and my heart hurt to know my child. I want to be able to look at her face, see her eyes. When I pray I want a face to go with the name. I am not a patient person. (Ask my mother) Ok I am done whining and I'm not sure if I should even post this but I will because I want this blog to be genuine and true. One day we will have our baby and one day I will not just look at her little face I will kiss her sweet cheeks and hold her little dimpled hands, one day all of this waiting will be worth it because I will have the most precious gift, I will have Abeni.


Christa said...

awwww. That is so hard!!! You have me in tears here!!! I'm praying for you guys Ari, if anyone deserves a sweet little girl, it's you guys. Love ya!!

Steve and Karen said...

I'm always up for a good session of whining. I have become an expert in it.... Let me know when you need to let some out.