Monday, September 27, 2010


SUBMITTED!!!!!!! That is all.


Anonymous said...

Whoop whoop!!!!! Such a relief I am sure!!! You're getting really close now!

Eun Jin Lee said...

You are so close!

LearningPatienceAZ said...

You know how excited I am for you!!! :)

Michelle said...

That is such GREAT news! I am so very happy for you. She'll be home before you know it!!!

Steve and Karen said...

omg....omg...I'm so excited for you!!! Just a few more can count down in weeks now. You must be over the moon.

Christy said...


Michelle said...

Congratulations! Great news to know that things are moving faster now than they were a few months ago. You will be there soon with your little girl in your arms :)

Annie B said...


What a relief!

Amy said...

Yippee!!!! Congrats you guys....we are so excited! You will be in Korea in no time to pick up sweet little Abeni!

Jayme said...

WOOOOOOHOOOOOO! I have been thinking about you a lot and am so glad for this news!!!!! You are on your way - VERY SOON!

Lindsey said...

What agency are you with, here and in korea? congrads that is awesome news

Lucky Mama said...

Brodie I am with Eastern in Korea and AAC adoption in the US.

Sue said...

thanks for checking out my blog! what happy news for you - submitted!! congrats!