The boys and I are in major celebration mode as Michael has some time off work right now. We are having family cuddles and "group sugar" all over the place. We really love spending time together as a family I am living it up having a second set of hands to dress, hold, and corral the kiddos.
Miles is a lover of all things party related and has an incredible memory. Last year in October we went to the Harvest Festival and corn maze close to our home. Miles was in heaven. He didn't really care about the corn maze but the party atmosphere was like caffeine for him. He ran pin-ball style all over the place. For the last year every time we drive by the corn-maze location I hear "hey mom when are we going to corn-bellies again." About 6 months ago I started answering "in October baby." Three year olds don't know their months right so he would just kinda wait for October forever; YEAH RIGHT! He has asked since then "In October I get to go to Corn-bellies OK?" Well Sept 26th he informed me "Mom Corn-bellies is open cause it is almost October." I don't know how he came up with that but he was right. We packed up and went to Corn-bellies for a night of total ecstasy three year old style. Above is visual proof.
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